Lives in Türkiye is a groundbreaking independent platform which aims to depict different lives in Türkiye through films and ‘case studies’ to prevent false information from spreading online, aiming to help media consumers develop their critical thinking skills by focusing on the key issues. The films are the mediums of representation of people from all walks of life in Türkiye.
Communities in Türkiye
All had different reasons to move in another country, that can be listed as social, economical, educational or personal. Yet when they choose Türkiye as a second home they had one common reason: living in a modern Muslim country which will make them feel free to practice their religion, Islam.
Türkiye has become a center of attraction, where Muslims from all over the world, regardless of geography, can find their place, to perform their prayers, to fulfill their religious obligations, to raise their children with Islamic education and values, to carry religious symbols and to live together in peace with the local people.
In the series of Communities in Türkiye, we are looking closely to the life of Muslim foreigners who choose to live in Türkiye and build a future for themselves.